Gardening Notes for Zone 6a/6b Tennessee
Here you''ll find short notes on Veggies you may plant in your garden for zone 6a/6b. Learn the benefits of the vegetables, when to plant, how to plant and companions to those plants.
Broccoli (and Broccoli Rehab) - Companion Plants: Beets, Onions, Herbs (avoid strawberries and tomatoes)
You can plant in Spring (after last frost) /Late Summer/Fall
Plant in full Sun in, 1 - 2 feet apart (rows 2ft apart)
Maturity at 30-35 days; Nutritious veg. full of Vitamin C, A, B2, B6, Folic Acid, phosphorus, Fiber, Iron and Calcium
Brussel Sprouts - Companion Plants: Beets, Onions, Herbs ( Sage, Thyme, Rosemary) (avoid strawberries and tomatoes)
You can plant in Mid to Late Spring (after last frost) / Fall
Plant in full Sun in, 18" apart (rows 2ft apart)
Maturity at 90-120 days; Nutritious veg. full of Vitamin C, A, B6, Folic Acid, Fiber and Potassium
Beets - Companion Plants: Onions, Brassicas, Lettuce, Bush beans, Herbs (avoid mustard greens)
Plant Spring to early summer.
Plant full Sun, 1"deep and 6" apart
Maturity at 30-45 days; Nutritious veg. full of Vitamin C, Folic Acid and Potassium
Cabbage - Companion Plants: Beets, Onions, Herbs(thyme, age and rosemary) (avoid strawberries and tomatoes)
You can plant in Spring (after last frost) /Late Summer/Fall
Plant in full Sun in, (rows 2ft apart) Early Spring - 10" Spacing Fall transplant 8" spacing for early varieties
Maturity at 65-95 days; Nutritious veg. full of Vitamin C, B6, Calcium, Fiber and Potassium
Carrots - Companion Plants: Tomatoes and Lettuce (Avoid - Herb Dill)
You can plant in Spring (after last frost) /Late Summer/Fall
Plant in full Sun in, (rows 2ft apart) Early Spring
Maturity at 55-75 days; Nutritious veg. full of Potassium, antioxidants, Vitamin A, and Beta-carotene
Cucumbers - Companion Plants: Radishes, peas and beans (Avoid - Potatoes)
You can plant in Spring to early Summer; Direct Sow 0.5" apart and spaced 2"
Plant in full Sun in, (rows 2ft apart) Early Spring
Maturity at 55-65 days; Nutritious veg. full of vitamin K, vitamins B, C, along with minerals like copper, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium
Eggplant. - Companion Plants: Pole & Bush Beans (Avoid - Tomatoes, Potatoes and raspberries)
Start seeds eight weeks before last frost. Transplant when plant is about 4" tall, spacing 18-24" aprart.
Maturity at 55-65 days; Nutritious veg. full vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, thiamine, niacin, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, fiber, folic acid, potassium, and more!
Garlic. - Companion Plants: Tomatoes
Plant about the time of the 1st frost. Can be grown in spring and summer depending on variety.
Plant 2" deep; 4-6" apart Maturity when the foliage begins to yellow and fall over.
Garlic is low in calories and Nutritious in vitamin C, vitamin B6, and manganese.
Kale. - Companion Plants: Onions (Avoid Tomatoes)
Direct Sow 3weeks before last Frost in fall or after first frost in spring
Maturity at 65-95 days; Nutritious veg. full of Calcium, magnesium, magonese, phosphorus and baron.
Kohlrabi - Companion Plants: Beets, Onions, Herbs ( Sage, Thyme, Rosemary) (avoid strawberries, tomatoes and peppers)
Direct Sow 1" apart and spaced 12" ; Sow 2 weeks before last frost and 6 weeks before first fall frost.
Maturity at 65-95 days; Nutritious veg. full of Calcium, magnesium, magonese, phosphorus and baron.
Leeks. - Companion Plants: Carrots, Onions, Celery, Tomatoes and Beets ( Avoid Beans & Peas)
Direct Sow Late Winter to Early Spring
Maturity at 55-115 days; Nutritious Vitamin A, C, K, B6 , as well as minerals and manganese.
Lettuce. - Companion Plants: Carrots, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Radishes.
Plant 8' apart, depending on variety.
Maturity 40-60 days from seed. Nutritious Vitamin A, B, C , Calcium, fiber and potassium and more...
Onions - Companion Plants: Tomatoes and Beets (Avoid: Peas and Legumes)
From Seed: Plant Spring (Note: Seeds take longer to produce) With Sets plant in spring 3 to 4 " apart.
Maturity 125 - 150 days from seed. 100 days from sets. Nutritious in vitamin C, B vitamins, and potassium.
Peas. - Companion Plants: Almost anything (Avoid: Alliums)
Direct sow in spring as soon as ground can be worked. or fall 8 weeks before first frost date. Plant 2" apart with rows 3"apart. Maturity 50 - 70 days from seed. 100 days from sets. Nutritious in vitamin C, potassium, calcium and much more...
Peppers. - Companion Plants: Herbs like Basil and Cilantro, Onions Carrots, Tomatoes, Spinach (Avoid: Fennel, Brassicas, Beans) Plant Late Spring to Early Summer. Plant starts 8 inches apart, in rows 30 to 36 inches apart.
Maturity 70 - 100 days Nutritious rich in antioxidant vitamins including vitamins C, E and beta-carotene.
Spinach. - Companion Plants: Strawberries, Peas, Celery, Parsley
Sow in Spring & Fall : Direct Sow about one Month before last Spring Frost. Set seed 2" apart in spring.
Direct Sow 1" apart in fall; space 18" apart.(Can repeat sowing every 14 days)
Maturity 40 days Nutritious rich in Vitamin A, C, Folic Acid, Iron, Magnesium , Potassium, B2, B6...
Summer Squash - Companion Plants: Tomatoes
Plant Mid to Late Spring: Plant 4" apart, 1" deep and 3-4' apart.
Maturity 80 - 110 days Nutritious rich in Vitamin B6, C, Fiber, Magnesium , Potassium, ..
Tomatoes. - Companion Plants: Tomatoes
Plant late spring when transplants are 6-8" tall. Space 18-24" apart, rows 3' apart.
Maturity 55 - 80 days from transplants. Nutritious rich in Vvitamins C,K, potassium, and folate.
Watermelon - Companion Plants: garlic, radishes, corn, broccoli, marigolds, and certain herbs
Plant late spring when transplants are 6-8" tall. Space 18-24" apart, rows 5' apart.
Maturity 55 - 80 days from transplants. Nutritious rich in Vitamins A, C, B6, Iron, potassium, magnesium.